
Delivering high-quality project and commercial leads.

Banco Group

Partnering with Banco Group to deliver both Project leads and Commercial Leads.

Over 90+ leads per month

Leads per month

Average CPL $25

Average cost per lead

Average CPC $1.25

Average cost per click per campaigns

Office Project logo
Banco Group

Flexible campaign delivery options. Test Linkedin, META & Google to find your target audience.


Banco is one of Australia’s biggest and best family ran property group. We are running multiple projects for both B2C and B2B leads.

The challenge

Running long projects and consistently driving new leads to both commercial and residential projects. Keeping campaigns fresh and sales agents filled with high quality leads.

How we approached it

Running multiple campaigns via Google, LinkedIn and META to drive both residential and commercial leads. Harnessing robots, optimising campaigns based on data, and listening to the client, we have been able to create a tailor made paid ads campaign for Banco Groups projects.

Office project ad mock ups
Office with city view
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