
Creating significant uplift in high-quality leads.


Milieu’s paid ads campaigns have led to significant uplift in high-quality leads.

Over 40+ leads per month

Leads per month

Average CPL $35

Average cost per lead

Average CPC $3

Average cost per click per campaigns


Want to improve the quality of your leads?


Driving both project awareness and high-quality leads to Milieu’s most recent developments.

The challenge

Ensuring that Milieu brand was not affected by running ads and that the leads were high-quality ensuring the sales team had the right leads to follow up.

How we approached it

We use META’s platform to highlight projects and drive high-quality leads either through the website or through META Lead Ads. We catch up regularly with the client and sales agents to discuss results and key learnings, with the intention to not run ‘set & forget’ campaigns, but appreciate that campaigns need to evolve based on data.

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